by Nur Anis Suhaimi

December 4, 2010

Shifting Gear

I am 23, and I have yet to be married :P

I am in the mood to write about marriages and weddings, because I am attending one tomorrow. 

The wedding of my two Kembara seniors, Awie and Kak Lin. They are 26 I guess, and this is the picture of them during the solemnisation last week.

Rumah Kak Lin kat Terengganu
Today itself is the wedding ceremony of my other two Kembara seniors, Pian and Kak Zam. Kak Zam is my TEYL Cohort 2 senior and Pian is now 28. 

This is their pre wedding picture. Sangat jeles lah ye, photoshoot ikut jiwa :D

Jiwa luar pintu
And this was during their solemnisation. Memang klass la kapel nih!

Who would resist a grand wedding ceremony? If sponsored I mean :P
I wish both of the newly-wedded couples’ happiness and harmony all along their marriages!

The question is: When will I get married? Hahahahaha. 

I seriously have no idea as yet, except for I don’t want it to exceed 30. Hihi :D 

Yeah I have a partner of my choice, and he could be of any girl's dream boy! He has been really wonderful, but yeah, world works the weirdest way. Anything can happen, I just hope it is for the better, Insha Allah.

When I receive wedding invitations from my friends, I know that they are just bold enough to bring about probably the most significant shift in their lives, that is to be married to somebody.

I doubt my own confidence or even readiness to be a wife, considering my age, my sense of responsibility, and my sense of attachment to my parents. I can't quite see myself not 'under the siege' of my father. I still get nagged for waking up late and stuff like that. Will my father still nag me when I am married? He should start adjusting and getting use to that you know, he has never been for like what, 23 years?

But I will surely miss that, hell yeah! 

Ok, just now I was nagging about getting married. I mean, at the age of 23. I have friends who got married at 23, and some of them even at 22 and 21. Wow right? 

It's kind of funny when to think back. My friends that I meant; we grew up together, we shared the same awful Dewan Makan food since we were 13, we stayed up all night chatting, we shared the same bed, we went through a lot together. And now, they are married? And what am I now? Single. Woot woot! :D

Oh this is just my pathetic attempt to write. I suck big time. To cover the suck-ness, lets put picture some more :)

Hajar & Hubby: Earliest to marry: 16th April 2008

Hanafi & Wife: 8th August 2008 (I attended this one just before I went off to Gunung Stong!)

Sabeelah & Hubby: 27th June 2009

Najibah & Hubby: 14th February 2010

Nazira & Hubby: 31st July 2010

Izyani & Hubby: 16th September 2010

Dalila & Hubby: 22nd November 2010

Getting married:

Jannah: 19th December 2010.

And they are all 23.

Young and wild :D

But oh, this one's even wilder, and bolder:

They are 20 !

Selamat Pengantin Baru Hani. Sorry I can't make it to Johor. I will surely miss you in court!



Saya doakan kamu semua bahagia ke anak cucu. Saya akan rindu zaman anak dara bersama anda semua. Saya pasti kamu jua merinduinya! :D

November 10, 2010


I'm not sure if you are even dear to me.

But I'm leaving you for a while,

For good :)

November 4, 2010

Tak Nak.

 Sila lihat gambar di sebelah. 
Lokasi: Air Terjun kat Gunung Batu Puteh, Tapah, Perak.

Tinggi kan tempat terjun tu.

Bagi aku ni la antara perkara paling berani aku buat.
Ehm.. takla berani, paling menakutkan kot.

Nak habaq mai, tinggi dari atas pokok tu adela dalam 6 meter nak cecah air.

Air tu pulak dalam tak tau nak habaq pasai cheq pon tak reti berenang.

Rasanya budak2 yang try menyelam pon tak sampai dasar.
Dalam la tu kan.

Pemandangan dari atas pokok = SUMPAH SANGAT MENAKUTKAN.

Ayaq warna hijau tak hengat baq hang.

Nak jadi cerita, time ni kitorang Kelab Kembara Uniutama (ehem2),  baru lepas turun dari Gunung Batu Puteh ni.

Macam biasa, nak lepaskan gian tiruk, masing2 pon berkelah kat sini. 

Nak jadi cerita lagi, kitorang semua DIPAKSA terjun dari atas pokok tu, nak atau tak nak, reti berenang atau tak.
Kalau taknak, kena tolak!

Aku nak, tapi seyes tak brani sebab tak reti berenang.

Tak tipu, aku kat atas pokok tu dekat 5 minit, memang takut nak terjun.

Budak2 kelab jangan cakapla, mula2 bagi semangat, pastu maki tak hengat. Saiko2....hahaha.

Sampai satu tahap, Botak iaitu orang tua kelab, dah tolak aku sket. Aku memang menjerit gile la.

Tapi dah jenuh orang maki sebab diorang nak terjun plak (berbaris tau tak kalah kat kantin), aku pon.........

 Tengok jela pasukan rescue yang tunggu kat bawah.

Memang untuk yang tak reti berenang, encik2 rescue akan tunggu kat bawah and selamatkan. 

Aauuuwww sweettt...

Sweet tok hang.

  Sementara nak timbul kat permukaan air tu, Tuhan je tau.

Sebab air dalam, lambat la nak timbul.

Bila dah timbul, diorang akan tarik and bawak ke tepi.

"Haaa Anis.... bleh je tu. Penakut... Nak lagi tak?"



9     followers already?


Biar betol?

Korang da takde keje ke nak follow blog aku?
Blog bodo je kot.

Sampai skrang tak tau nak tulis ape.

BM Tak Pass!

Saya ada seorang adik.

Nama dia Alya.

Ni gambar dia masa kitorang hike Bukit Jambul.

Tempat kejadian itu.

Ada hati nak ambik title model gua!

Kejadian ape?

Alya     :     Eeeii sronok la kat atas ni. Macam taknak turun je!

Aku      :     Elehhh... iye2 je. Tadi dia yang TERCUNGAP - CUNGAP sangat masa hike.

Alya     :     Ha? Ape pulak tercungap - cungap... TERPINGA - PINGA la. Sikit je! Hehehe.

Aku      :     Ape pulak terpinga - pinga. Tercungap - cungap la. Ape la punya BM.

Alya     :     Eh ye ek? Laa... patotla Lia salah soalan PMR aritu. Ayah dah tanda paper tu.

Aku      :     Uik? Ape yang salah?

Alya     :      Soalan tu: "Aminah ___________ apabila rakannya menegurnya sedang membaca novel." Jawapan dia 'tercungap - cungap' la Lia letak. Ooo patotla ayah tanda salah...

"Aminah TERCUNGAP - CUNGAP apabila rakannya menegurnya sedang membaca novel."

Ape kejadahnye kau ni Alya???

November 3, 2010

Kita Pon Heran

Memang kita pon heran.

Sebelum nak idupkan blog macam2 rase nak tulis.

Dah ade blog, blur pulak nak tulis ape.

Takkan nak shut down buat kali ke 3?

I better think fast!
Nanti Samuel Si Bitter cakap aku lame plak!

Sebenarnye baru nak blog pasal kau Sam.
Tapi sekarang aku batalkan niat murni aku.

Padan muka hang!


Here I am, starting a new blog again :D

Kenapa nak blog?

1.   Azleaziyatulazhar @ Chip tiba2 active blog. Blog2 dia ada plak yang macam dimintak2 je untuk dikomen.
2.   Banyak sebenarnye yang bermain kat benak. Bila dah main kat benak, dia nak main kat fesbuk pulak. Tapi fesbuk tak bleh tulis panjang2.
3.   Aku sedar yang aku dah tak boleh menulis dengar lancar especially dalam English. Ok let's  give it a try! 

      "I realise I falter every time I write in English."

Btol tak? Seriously aku sendiri akan ambik masa yang lama untuk menulis sebab aku akan digest dulu sama ada apa yang aku tulis gramatically and semantically betol atau tak.


Memang aku buat majoring in English, tapi dalam sehari 4 patah je English aku@ kitorang guna.

          "Yes"                 "No"                  "Thank You"

Ye, bahaya. Tau takpe.

So I hope by writing here, I can get my fingers used to writing again. Nak jadi cikgu dah oiii... :S